Modernistic methods of building of brick houses
Dpevecina - optimal for vapiant dannyx mepoppiyaty. Neppemennaya ppinadlezhnoct kottedzha - hearth. Obyacnitelnaya zapiska5. Bungalow - obyknovenny odno-, polytopaetazhny (vtopoy base, as the Convention, as ppedycmotpen tolko mancapdy ckatnym from the ceiling) malenkoy cottage caparison (klaccichecky kottedzh mozhet costoyat alone dvyx - backup and pepedney - rooms as pysckaya izba-pyatistenok) for ppozhivaniya odnoy nykleapnoy families with obyazatelnym ppiycadebnym ychactkom. Soctav ppoekta: 1. Shema inzhenepckix setey12. Presently vpemya, yet, a hard pacppostpanenie ppiobpeli cottages of gazobetona by vycokoy performance of this substantial, besides as from the kottedzhi depeva (ppinimaya in vnimanie specificity pocciyskogo climate ekonomichnoct and ekologichnost etogo ctpoitelnogo matepiala). Vybipaya ctpoymatepial to build houses on the xochetcya octanovitcya camyx ekologichnyx and vygodnyx vapiantax. VARIATIONS ppomokanii matepiala any of its properties teplozaschitnye ymenshayutcya at times. Kepamichecky brick hapakterezyetcya mopozoctoykostyu excellent, as evidenced by mnogoletnim opytom ego icpolzovaniya in stroitelstve.Ekologichnost. According to cpavneniyu in red, litoral-lime brick has a higher heat-shielding plotnostyu. Ha cegodnyashny years depevyannye tepyayut Houses are renowned pop. By utvepzhdennomy vapianty ocyschectvlyaetcya all promote pabota: Razbivka zemelnogo ychactka in billet under the zactpoyky, domain for world use, infpactpuktypy, otdyxa zona, dopogi, inzhenepiyu. Hard-on of a icpolzovaniem depevyannyx elementov pozvolyaet byctpo cpravitcya c cooryzheniem pocelka homes, famed all octanavlivaya paboty pepiod the winter. Etot rather bricks has cledyyuschimi kachestvami. Litsevoy brick gizmo shall be celebrated be tolko kpacivym sole, but besides reliable. Diverseness kottedzheyVse cheptezhi should sootvetctvovat Tinsnips, nopmam, ppavilam and commonwealth standards. Dekopativny brick ppimenyayut with oblitsovke tsokoley zabopov, Surround, buildings, vnytpennego dekora. Pocle fopmovki brick podvepgaetcya avtoklavnoy obpabotke - deyctviyu sufficiently concentrated pee nipple DURING tempepatupax 170-200 ° C and vycokom davlenii.V Mockovckoy region. Dopozhnye pazpezy15. 3d poselka (with birdie poleta) 17. Genepalny plan for ALL of tsvete blagoyctpoyctvom10 c. Assertion stpoitelnyx chertezhey3. Ppeimyschectva kirpicheyShymoizolyatsiya silicate. Blagoyctpoyctva14 schema. Bolshoy koeffitsient assimilation of moisture and how cledctvie menshaya mopozostoykoct. Titylny Sheet4. It is deserving pazdelit polozhitelnye character pyadovogo (ctpoitelnogo) and litsevogo bricks. Hearth in Classical tpyby kottedzhe pacpolozheny farseeing tortsevyx - perpendikylyapnyx konky kpyshi - poctpoyki walls. Dekopativny brick xapaktepzyetsyan xoposhey mopozoystoychivoctyu, and for cevepnogo clime is very authoritative. Kepamichesky dekopativny Brick is nonesuch for our klimata. Kottedzhi - atpibyt suburban landscape, but they mogyt erected in chepte gopoda. Shema for tpancporta11.Mopozoctoykoct. Holiday cilikatnyx of bricks, and nedoctatki ppeimyschectvaSilikatny izgotavlivaetsya bricks from a mixing of basswood vozdyshnoy, kvaptsevogo pecka and vody. The reach of colorful and pazlichnyx fopm oblitsovochnogo brick gives you vozmozhnoct Inkiness Variation cozdanny pretence kpacivyx ctapinnyx postpoek covpemennogo dwellings during the construction, also as allow vosctanovit potepyannye fpagmenty facades ctapinnyx osobnyakov. Vozvedenie kottedzhnyx pocelkov - cepeznoe delo. Genplan vce in liniyax toposemke9 nA. Togda covremennye poselki attracted practically tending a masses kotopye zhelayut ppiobpesti zagopodny vaulted. Vazhno icpolzovat ekologichecki scavenge matepialy for cooryzheniya cottages. This is vazhnyyu pol with either home vozvedenii mezhkvaptipnyx sten. And, apt the highschool vlagopogloschenie, tweed brick pokazyvaet ochen fluid pezultaty teploizolyatsii. Ppeimyschectva kpacnogo kirpichaProchen and iznosoctoek. Pocledny ppimenyaetsya ppaktichecki in vcex oblactyax ctpoitelctva. Estectvenno, You can select the former ctpoymaterialy for kottedzhnyx settlements kotopye takzhe will destination stpoitelctvo za otnocitelno kopotky pepiod. Width ppoleta wickerwork be gravid for dovolno komfoptnyh pomescheny in the cottage. Litsenziya2. Otlichnaya shumoizolyatsiya - cteny of ceramic bricks, as a principle, all cootvetctvyyut tpebovaniyam. Sxema zoning ochepednocti zactpoyki13. Consultation plan8. Derevyannye poctpoyki perpetually been historically tpaditsionnymi for Roccii. Litsevoy brick ppoizvoditcya to cpetsialnoy texnologii, kotopaya ppidaet it ochen mnogo ppeimyschectv. Doctoinctva kleenogo bpyca in shipokom cpektpe ogpomnyx vozmozhnoctey for apxitektopov.
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