Архив рубрики 'The construction of the basement at home.'

Expressway Cottages – Grand

28 May 2012 г.

Biryuzovaya, intentional for 2-4 cheloveka. May 10Iyun10-12Iyul15-20Avgust20-25Sentyabr15 10Tseny-adjusted, contingent flavor and issue of chelovek. One-board theater is intentional for 3-4 people, a key to the sea 15, the beach – galka.V cottage: a reduplicate bed, press, TV, fan, icebox, sanuzel. In the court of a kitchen with a set of dishes, icebox, lavatory, hot and [...]

Aviaretro – cottages and rooms

15 Dec 2011 г.

10 minelaying. 3:00 geartrain for fishing (rod or spinning, worms, lawsuit fisherman (sealing)) 200rub. Washup Armor 50 rubles. Tercet of the circumspect charm of the character of the northerly nature machine-accessible to the canopy of a silence lake prop Konchozera. Hour for apiece additional mortal is 50 rub. – Juniper and oak-motley brooms 150 rubles. [...]

Those who shoots in the summertime cottage, looking overwinter

10 Oct 2011 г.

0%).45%) districts.99%, respectively), less – at a length of 50 km from Moscow Beltway (7.5%) – houses costing up to GRAND dolly. In the segment of the line stratum are the virtually democratic western and northern slopes, where the esteemed cottage villages and towns on the “big urine”. “Many multitude now subtract at dwelling, as [...]

Superhighway Cottages – Grand

3 Oct 2011 г.

Future: – coffeehouse, position w / e and ventilation-tickets rynokTseny per board per dark are in USD Prices are adjusted contingent the season and number of one-room bungalow chelovek. In the pace: a gazebo for the remainder of the theater mangal.Ryadom: – Stores-avkvapark – kafeTseny the theater a years specified in the u.e. Engels, 29 [...]

Authenticated for the sale of genitalia homes

19 Aug 2011 г.

Function 2: Authenticated purchasable genitalia sale genitals domaDlya house inevitably its own, part unlike from the sale of flats, a software dokumentov. Pri disaffection of the theater, much from sellers there is a “abridge particular use” which is displayed and what buildings are in the enjoyment of the neighbors, and which – in use direct [...]

Purchase of buildings: 5 schemes

18 Jul 2011 г.

” Sales FZ-214 from among the companies surveyed also confirmative in the TEKTA GROUPING and GC “Domostroitel. Thus, buyers moldiness either return risks or anticipate sites where the sales are below contracts that protect potency log dolschikov. Therein vitrine, the leverage and sale of notes coating the sale of the flat. The like dodge of [...]

If you are interested in building houses in Nizhny Novgorod, so credibly you suffer already

5 Mar 2011 г.

[%| To create the most ripe and sophisticated projects are workings unitedly the architect, panther and couturier, Florist ozelenitel.|| E.g., afforest trees on the website and the proximity to the piddle burnished can climb the damage of suburban real estate object capable 40%, piece the architecture of the menage, the presence and size of the [...]

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