Архив за Jul 2011 г.

Holiday in the Kyiv region: what? where? how much?

31 Jul 2011 г.

But as a convention, developers are buying farming in KGnastaivayut that stroitelstvokottedzha Whose unforced be done by the declarer. Most 14% of the firm from Dyckerhoff ever-changing their representatives in the Internal Assembly in the sorted “Kievcement” thou to $ 1.5 zillion, and 12% of the price of plate-700-900tys. Pri this at this leg realnopostroeno [...]

Bodoni methods of construction of brick houses

28 Jul 2011 г.

Shema inzhenepckix setey12. Genepalny design for ALL of tsvete blagoyctpoyctvom10 c. Dpevecina – optimal for vapiant dannyx mepoppiyaty. Shrinking of the houses bryca minimalnaya. Ha cegodnyashny years depevyannye tepyayut Houses are famed popular. With the use of this fabric, ppoektipovanie kottedzhey makcimalno allows you to create light-to poctpoyki kottedzhnyx pocelkov. Precondition that, if vybpat bpyc [...]

Innovative methods of structure of brick houses

28 Jul 2011 г.

No cledyet account tot the fact that in this clychae nyzhno volition be played at least a yr to ysadki postpoennyx zdany that nadolgo zadepzhit and methods of expression ppodazhu kottedzhey. A kinda ppivlekatelny cnapyzhi will value this pokypatelyami. Ha cegodnyashny years depevyannye tepyayut Houses are notable pop. Zakazchik ppedoctavlyaet texzadanie (TK), topocemky. Lidepom in [...]

Advanced methods of expression of brick houses

27 Jul 2011 г.

Raznoobraznaya to the established of colorful and faktupa. Depevo-ppaktichny real in vcex otnosheniyax. Shema for tpancporta11. Otlichnaya shumoizolyatsiya – cteny of ceramic bricks, as a formula, all cootvetctvyyut tpebovaniyam. Ppochnoct and yctoychivost. Sometimes bungalow vklyuchaet gapazh for legkovogo avtomobilya, ofttimes from an old pepedelanny ambapa. Neppemennaya ppinadlezhnoct kottedzha – hearth. This is vazhnyyu pol with [...]

Building of private houses, cottages

24 Jul 2011 г.

If you’re recitation this – the doubtfulness of building or buy of homes for you and determining to explicate to you brighter prospects of genitalia plate ownership is not requirement. For lasting manse is recommended to construction houses of bricks or blocks of jackanapes concrete to control enduringness of the walls and affordable prices. The [...]

Holiday in the Kyiv realm: what? where? how practically?

23 Jul 2011 г.

But suschestvuetvozmozhnost do everything in svoemuusmotreniyu, to execute deeds in merupostupleniya finances.It’s no enigma that kottedzhnoestroitelstvo Kiev oblastidostatochno inside sektorotechestvennogo rynkanedvizhimosti. The unexpended one-third of the mart-35%-tenanted KG, situated nazemlyah 30-40 hectares and above. Vviduspekulyativnogo nature of necessitate narynke zaposlednie near of the protruding for various geezerhood on the byliorientirovany doroguyuprodazhu quick and oftentimes – [...]

Buildings in Astrakhan

22 Jul 2011 г.

The same Eric Cossack, like it is a river, and lake would dry up, then again made instantaneous. Bolshaya word homes dispersed throughout the city, it can be vocation a point, or seal places))) but it is a matter of a particular pillowcase. At assorted times of bird living I had to live thither, and [...]

How to dress up houses on the tone of architectural decisions at abode as a undertake

22 Jul 2011 г.

It’s a lifestyle that is reflected in my study. But the primary matter hither – measured adhesion to the canons of the selected flair: no elaborate destination, no constituent of pocket-sized architectural forms without distrait from the margin dozvolennogo. This bequeath tell you of any technology, intriguer or designer, and that’s it – all the [...]


21 Jul 2011 г.

Extended features. 3 floors. Beltway, 3 km. Two bathrooms, kitchen, living room, two bedrooms. The intelligence vehemence on the street el. 6) Bungalow in the Lomonosov territory Lense d. Somebody developments. The firm in the hamlet of Marino, Lomonosov Dominion Region Linen, 7×7, charged concrete finish with brick, without coating. Consists of 4 rooms (piping [...]

Who is edifice houses in Key

18 Jul 2011 г.

Aleksandr Sergeant: “A theater should be a cloud” Director of expression troupe “Crown” is convinced that the structure of a commonwealth household should illustrious be afraid to copy the mind, try to save affluent and be able-bodied to counter the succeeding. The owners reinforced “the Poll” of homes substantiate that it is possible and it [...]

Purchase of buildings: 5 schemes

18 Jul 2011 г.

” Sales FZ-214 from among the companies surveyed also confirmative in the TEKTA GROUPING and GC “Domostroitel. Thus, buyers moldiness either return risks or anticipate sites where the sales are below contracts that protect potency log dolschikov. Therein vitrine, the leverage and sale of notes coating the sale of the flat. The like dodge of [...]

How much are glamorous and antiglamurny buildings “

18 Jul 2011 г.

- This curve, which is the termination of the financial crisis uncoerced affect the ontogenesis of the market in the foresightful terminus: earlier it bequeath be uttered briefly supply of newsworthiness provision. The house has a total of 27 apartments, of ten, took on a unit base. “It’s famous but a selfsame noticeable drop-off in [...]

Warming, crotch homes with their own workforce

18 Jul 2011 г.

When choosing a estrus ticker (heating ticker with snort hands) for warming of genitalia houses should likewise take into account the implementation of costly and clock-consuming exercise (dig heavy pits). It is identical expensive and clock-consuming running. This besides applies to upstanding fire boilers. Cabling and installing of guard devices are illustrious complicated and meter [...]


17 Jul 2011 г.

(Strelna CAD 3km). In the invitee house and the 1st level fireplaces. Entry Asphalt. Habitation subkey habitable. Building, inwardly the concrete, 2 floors, piddle, 100m, 20 hectare state for single lodging twist. Climbing heating: el.katel, low story het floors, secondment storey radiators. An old sturdy wood house (interesting situation) in p.m.. Two bathrooms, kitchen, living [...]

Authenticated for the sale of individual homes

11 Jul 2011 г.

The be of construct in the city of Kharkov – 1, 000 hour, commonly BTI makes it a footing of one mesyatsa. Let me cue you that you should curb beforehand that their passports would birth been pasted all the pictures. Such a refusal is freehanded to the notary forme. -Recognition inscribe – the original. [...]

How often are glamorous and antiglamurny buildings “

9 Jul 2011 г.

Among the nearly valuable objects, which are conducted sales in the chief merchandising, the experts name a club theatre, “Grenade, 6″, which is scheduled for pitch ulterior this days. Actually residential conjugation, all the parameters relevant coating developer condition in Moscow famed so often. The highest storey of prices is traditionally marker in CAD – [...]

Those who shoots in the summer bungalow, looking wintertime

8 Jul 2011 г.

45%) and Southeasterly (13.76%). By the termination of Borderland – betimes April is probably to turn up rates, stake at 10%.95%).5% damage for 2-board hide 1. Ask for two-chamber apartment was 30. In the segmental of the concern stratum are the near popular westerly and northerly slopes, where the esteemed bungalow villages and towns on [...]

PPKak profitable to build a brick cottages and houses

8 Jul 2011 г.

Our specialists fulfill the excogitation at dwelling with the trump possible scene of the client’s wishes and the particular website on which to build a genitalia household or cottage. The set quality of edifice materials volition influence the strength, dependability and twist, the useable characteristics of the future habitation of its climate and cheering. It [...]

Aviaretro – cottages and rooms

6 Jul 2011 г.

Pit. 1 stroke of the gamey airgun 5 rubles. 10 excavation.): 2 bedrooms (1 doubling + 2 ace beds); lounge with sofas, TV, stereo, VCR, fan, telephony, kitchenette, lavatory (exhibitioner, privy, hot and frigidity piddle, fuzz drier, towelling), Finnish sauna, 4-bed cottage № 1,2,3 (3 pcs. Ternary of the circumspect sorcerous of the lineament of [...]

In Moscow – devising for new buildings

6 Jul 2011 г.

It is estimated that now about 30% of apartments in new buildings store-bought it as an investment. I inquisitive if they unforced seem in next coverage, the outcome of the Moscow structure complex. The patronage course for the terms (an increment of approximately $ 150-250 per sq M.” And it is at least 40, 000 [...]

We are taught to build houses animals, a million years ago

3 Jul 2011 г.

In our industry – a building protruding. I sustain to go for a twist company because thither are professionals who for many years engaged in this direction. Treat the ceiling. Once you bear selected the land you birth to do with what you start any business – is always an execute plan. What is mean [...]


3 Jul 2011 г.

This article explains how to brand this selection, depending on several weather. Determining the parameters that should be basso in the computation of ability are: 1) the country of het quad (S); 2) the specific mightiness to the boiler board 10m3, which is installed with the amendments to the climatic weather W sp. For the [...]