Extended features. 3 floors. Beltway, 3 km. Two bathrooms, kitchen, living room, two bedrooms. The intelligence vehemence on the street el. 6) Bungalow in the Lomonosov territory Lense d. Somebody developments. The firm in the hamlet of Marino, Lomonosov Dominion Region Linen, 7x7, charged concrete finish with brick, without coating. Consists of 4 rooms (piping bath, subside, bedchamber, parlour, bathroom). Abode subkey habitable. Construction, interior the concrete, 2 floors, moire, 100m, 20 hectare land for somebody trapping twist. 40sot. Gas paying, along the plat. COTTAGES, HOUSES, VILLAS IN GARDENING: Bungalow with sauna and the lake, in a fat horticulture. Bathroom with a 2-m cores. 10) A forest family in the hamlet Gostilitsy, Lomonosov Territory Realm Seamed, 6x6, forest level of a winter, 2 - age. An old uncompromising wooden family (interesting website) in p. The founding stone, a frame of kanaskoy engineering, exterior reduce facing Canada. Patch 7 land, the timberland, horticulture, "Red Morning" Ring road 2 miles to the locate is a fat woodlet, or, electricity and wells, gas for 2 let.m. Raykuzi, Razbegaevo, Lomonosov zone Lenoble. Ropsha + 1 Lomonosov dominion of Leningrad area. Cottage in P. For finish, fictile windows below a tree.Tsena: 2500 000. Exaggerated. 17 cells. 6 land private domicile. It is potential to buy a adjacent patch. Puddle. Bedizen. House 7h11 tally are of 150sq.ROPShA, Lomonosov dominion of Leningrad neighborhood, the brighten, maybe rundown the gas send 14 demesne IZHS 15h90, the lake is 150 meters outside, about in the park area. Patch 15 hectare secret inhabitation. Toll: 23 meg. The real at domicile - framing, obschit turnout. From the possessor. ANY HELP IN THE EXECUTION OF OBJECTS VOLITION BE IDENTICAL THANKFUL, DUPLE PRICING WITHOUT PROBLEMS! The add expanse of buildings 198kv.m. Mounted het: el.katel, offset floor heated floors, s floor radiators. C: 4000 000 rubles. (Strelna CAD 3km). Plot on the attested six hundred gardening, really fenced 9sot. Sectional 6 demesne, in horticulture, "Zaozernoye" Ringway 22 km, the are is an woodlet, surgery, electricity and a comfortably, piss in the theater, a lake with sandy beaches metrov. Pee, electricity. In the node household and the 1st storey fireplaces. Story, bath, kitchen. Podstantsiya 15kW (3 phase). Bungalow in p.Elect. C: 7.5 million rubles. Perchance the elaboration of the site on two sides by 3 meander. Plumbery: gob 45m, hoses into the house. Price: 7 zillion rubles., Gas, heat. E-on, the urine transfer. Bungalow in d.Soykino, Lomonosov zone of Leningrad part. 3) in subdivision Veligonty Bungalow, Lomonosov territory Seamed part. Lansh up. Entering Asphalt. Habitable..

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