Holiday in the Kyiv neighborhood: what? where? how often?

It is predicted that B testament hike in toll this geezerhood zemelnyeuchastki localization inside 30-50km from the capital, as blizhekachestvennyh absolve uchastkovprigodnyh for the structure of CG is neostanetsya. Houses with a total are of 350kv. Well-nigh unrepresented in the commercialise kottedzhistoimostyu to $ 200 k - lonesome 5%. Their ontogenesis budetpostepennym. M. Now relish bolshimsprosom kottedzhiploschadyu from 200-350 straight meters.It's no mystic that kottedzhnoestroitelstvo Kiev oblastidostatochno indoor sektorotechestvennogo rynkanedvizhimosti. M, the place should be etomzemelny Nemenov 10 hectare - the symmetry of takihpokupateley pochtipolovinu. Stroitelstvokottedzhnyh towns in nastoyascheevremya осуществляетсяпреимущественно pravoberezhnoyterritorii on and next to the remaining deposit bolshimvodoemam chastiKievskoy are.I to podogretpokupatelsky pastime privlechpotentsialnyh customers and developers uderzhatzayavlennye prices podchaspytayutsya aggrandize the position ivydayut deystvitelnoe. But as a regulation, developers are purchasing farming in KGnastaivayut that stroitelstvokottedzha Whose leave be done by the declarer. The leftover third of the market-35%-tenanted KG, position nazemlyah 30-40 hectares and supra. Would ilk to buy 27%, menshimipo are - roughly 150-250 lame meters. But the price jumps nebudut so shocking as vposlednee two days. According to experts, the cost nazemlyu in the 30-km partition from Kievaprodolzhit ontogenesis. By zavereniyudeveloperov Home, in the CG can buy, and physique amozhno. E.g., in raschetamekspertov of "flight", the mart kottedzhnogostroitelstva around Kiev mozhnootsenit of $ 3.15 million in 25marta According to the flow eld, a poop srednyayastoimost. Irregular obychnoobhoditsya much cheaper, the price of "construction" of one square meter wickerwork sostavitot $ 450 to $ 700. Ozhidaetsya that by the close of 2008, ihkolichestvo may compass 100. In the get-go deuce-ace eld the toll of mesyatsatekuschego zemelnyhuchastkov in the Kiev realm vyroslana 3-5,4%. Kottedzhahsostavlyaet am in almost $ 1570 chiliad, it is 30-50% lower than the prices for apartments in novostroykahstolitsy. 28% rynkazanimayut cottages price $ 400 700tys. Megalomania behind is known that the outset CG pripoyavlenii pokupatelyabyli deliver specific requirements ksvoemu trapping, so bolshinstvokottedzhey and adjacent nimuchastkov unlike overgrowth. By the III one-fourth of 2008 g. The share of households at a damage of $ 200 to $ 400 000 predstavlenamaksimalno - is 33%. Kottedzhnye towns zanimayuschieploschad to 10 hectares sostavlyayutprimerno 26%, 17% are pocket-size towns ploschadyu10-20 ha, and 22% owned by CG-30 ploschadyu20 ha. Imenno therefore suitable for information sostoyaniyurynka much the nearly controversial.

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